Hello, It's Me

Sourena Moradi

And I'm a

A programmer based in Toronto, passionate about making all kinds of software and learning new languages and technologies.

About Me

As a recent graduate of Seneca College's computer programming program, I possess a versatile set of skills that range from conflict resolution to application development, web design, and configuration management. I am confident that my adaptability and expertise in these areas can add value to your company and contribute to its continued success. As a dependable team player, I am committed to supporting your organization's objectives and am eager to make a positive impact.


Weatherly helps you to get all kinds of weather information, an hourly forecast and a 7-day forecast from any city in the world with the help of the OpenWeather API!

Built with HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js, EJS, OpenWeather API.

With the Recipeful app, you can get access to a huge selection of American, Chinese, Thai and many other delicious food recipes easily. You can also submit and share your own recipes!

Built with HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js, EJS, MongoDB.

This chatting app will let you chat and send pictures, videos and all kinds of files to your friends from anywhere, anytime. You only have to register and starting chatting!

Built with React, JS, Firebase v9.

A simple single page UI design for a data analyzing company.

Built with React, JS.

A Chat-gpt clone app that you can use to ask any question about anything and get a fast response at anytime!

Built with HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js, OpenAi API.

This music app gives you access to new song releases and albums from spoitfy! You can easily browse all kinds of music genres and artists, listen to their track sample and add them to your favorites!
Built with Angular, TS, Handlebars, Spotify API.